ABA Therapy & Other Services

Personalized programs and services for children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities and resources for parents!

At NY Behavior Therapy, we provide a wide variety of services to help children learn the skills they need to develop and grow with confidence and reach their highest potential, from potty training and self-care skills to social skills! Because parent participation is crucial to success, no matter what your child’s goal is, we also provide parent and caregiver training and resources to better connect and support their child or help them learn new skills!

1:1 ABA Therapy


Applied Behavior Analysis is the study of behavior and learning in the natural environment. Using these evidence-based principles is the basis of ABA therapy, a proven method to teach new skills and overcome challenges and challenging behavior for children with Autism, 

We provide 1:1 therapy that is uniquely customized to your child’s needs and goals. Tess, a BCBA, and Lisa, a BCBA-D, design highly individualized programs and continually collect data to determine progress and effectiveness while your child’s program is implemented with an experienced Applied Behavior Analysis-trained therapist. We know that while it sounds highly clinical and scientific (and it is!), we focus on play-based programs and positive reinforcement to create a fun, caring, and nurturing environment as your child develops skills related to: 

  • Self-care and independence 

  • Increase language

  • Navigating social settings

  • Potty training

  • School readiness and appropriate play


Behavior Therapy for the Classroom


SEIT Services 

For children who need support in a school setting, we connect students with Special Education Itinerant Teachers (SEIT) to offer 1:1 assistance to adapt to the classroom setting. Our staff will help facilitate appropriate behaviors in class and assist them with: 

  • Following classroom routines

  • Preparing for, and following through with transitions 

  • Engaging in classroom and school activities

  • Appropriate peer interactions

Family Training


We provide training for parents and caregivers on a regular basis so we can ensure the skills being implemented in our sessions will generalize into the home environments.  

NYBT staff will teach you how to apply effective techniques at home, while we provide you with the support and guidance to create a more positive experience.  A happier family dynamic and will increase desired behaviors while reducing unwanted behaviors.

At NYBT we run assessments that are both indirect and direct. These assessments are not limited to observation of children in their natural environment, parent and caregiver input, and in-depth questionnaires. Then we provide carefully crafted program recommendations for providers both in home and in the community and/or at school or daycare.

Behavior Consultation


Contact Us for ABA Therapy and Parent Support

To learn more about our services or schedule an evaluation to see if ABA therapy is right for your child, reach out to us today! Call us at [phone] or fill out our contact form to learn more!